
Bubble Nano Tech (hereinafter, " Bubble Nano tech ") provides the following information in compliance with articles 13 and 14 of the European Regulation 2016/679 (or General Data Protection Regulation , hereinafter " GDPR ") and the subsequent Italian adaptation legislation (hereinafter referred to, in conjunction with the GDPR, as the “ Applicable Privacy Law ”), making it available to all users who use the Bubble Nano Tech website (hereinafter, the “ Website ”) at https://

In fact, by consulting the Website, information relating to users may be collected; according to Applicable Privacy Law, this information is personal data.

The information is provided exclusively for the Website mentioned above and does not concern other websites that can be reached by the user via links on the Website.

Please read the "Cookie Policy" and the "General Conditions of Sale" of the website, which contain detailed information regarding the conditions relating to our services.

Data controller

The Data Controller of the user's data is Bubble Nano tech, with registered office in Via Nazario Sauro 7, 13900, Biella (BI).

Types of data processed

Personal data acquired automatically when visiting the Website

  • Browsing data . Bubble Nano Tech automatically collects data relating to your device (PC, tablet , mobile phone or other mobile device) and your connection, including, for example, your IP address, date and time of access, information on hardware and software , device event information, unique identifiers, crash data, and the pages you view before or after using the Website.

This data is collected even if the user has not logged in to the account created on the Website, or, in any case, even if the user has not created any account on the Website.

  • Data relating to the use of the Website. Bubble Nano Tech collects information about how the user has used the Website, including, for example, the pages of the Website or other content viewed, any searches performed, third-party applications on the Website that have been used by the user (for example, the map and other Google Maps features present in the " Contacts " section) and links to other websites and applications on which the user has clicked.

Personal data provided directly by the user

  1. Data necessary for the use of the account created on the Website and to make purchases on the Website

  • Data provided for account registration . When you access the Website by creating an account, Bubble Nano Tech collects the information required to create the account , i.e. e-mail address, first name, last name, address, postal code, city, country and telephone number (for natural persons), company name and VAT number (for companies) and shipping address.
  • Data relating to the user's account . Bubble Nano Tech collects a variety of information about how users use their account (for example, adding items to their cart or wishlist ).
  • Transaction data . Bubble Nano Tech collects information relating to the transactions you carry out on the Website, including all data provided for account registration, as well as the payment methods used, the date and time of payment, the amounts paid and other details of the transaction. This information is necessary for the correct execution of the contract stipulated between Bubble Nano Tech and the user and allows the user to finalize his purchases.

Please note that the transaction data is collected via the AXERVE platform, belonging to the Maurizio Sella Saa VAT Group, VAT number 02675650028 – Tax Code 02686620028 – Registration in the Biella Company Register No. 71524 – Piazza Gaudenzio Sella 1, 13900 Biella .

The transaction data are processed by AXERVE, the external data controller, to fulfill contractual obligations towards Bubble Nano Tech.

  • Shipping data . Bubble Nano Tech collects shipping information for products purchased by you on the Website, such as your billing address, buyer's address, and order numbers.
    1. Optional Data
  • Data provided via email requests. If the user explicitly and voluntarily sends an email request to the addresses indicated on the Website, Bubble Nano Tech will acquire the user's email address and any other personal data of the user (and/or third parties) including in the email.
  • Data provided for the activation of the newsletter service . If the user decides to activate the newsletter service offered by Bubble Nano Tech, the user's e-mail address will be collected

Personal data collected via cookies

Bubble Nano Tech uses cookies to collect data relating to user activity on the Website as well as preferences and other technical data relating to the user.

For more information on the use of cookies , please consult the website's cookie policy.

Purpose of the processing

The purposes of processing include ensuring the functioning of the Website; fulfill contractual obligations towards the user and provide the user with the services that Bubble Nano Tech provides through the Website; protect your vital interests; comply with current legislation or fulfill legal obligations and other needs of public interest.

Your personal data is processed as follows:

  • to conclude and execute the contract for the purchase of the products that Bubble Nano Tech sells on the Website;
  • to provide the services offered on the Website;
  • to manage requests sent to the email address;
  • to operate, monitor and improve the Website and the services provided by Bubble Nano Tech through its Website;
  • to enable account management and payment processing;
  • to keep Bubble Nano Tech's website services safe, secure and operational;
  • to communicate relevant account information to you and resolve any account -related issues;
  • to resolve disputes with you, recover payments and other sums owed or necessary to provide Bubble Nano Tech Website services;
  • to prevent, detect, mitigate and investigate fraud, security breaches and potentially prohibited or illegal activities.

To pursue Bubble Nano Tech's legitimate interests in such a way that these interests do not override your fundamental rights and freedoms.

Your personal data is processed as follows:

  • to identify and resolve problems you may have while using the Website (for example, blocked or non-functioning pages) and to provide you with a better experience;
  • to collect statistical information, in aggregate form, about the number of users who visit the Website (as unique visitors) and the ways in which users visit the Website;
  • to carry out surveys and market research; to send personalized promotional and commercial communications to registered users (i.e., communications about products that are believed to be of interest to the user based on the analysis of purchases made and information on the user's navigation on the Website, such as the products viewed or added to cart).

To carry out marketing operations after obtaining the user's consent.

  • If the user has signed up for the newsletter and has given his consent, which can be revoked at any time in the manner described below, his data may be processed for the following purposes:
  • to send you (via email) marketing information, advertising, information on special promotions and discounts, and updates on the services offered by Bubble Nano Tech.

Treatment methods

The user's personal data are processed with IT or telematic tools, exclusively to achieve the purposes for which they were collected (see above) and stored for a specific period according to the criteria indicated in this privacy policy (see below). Personal data may be known and processed by Bubble Nano Tech staff, duly trained on the precautions to be taken according to the Applicable Privacy Law.

Duration of treatment

Personal data will be stored for a limited period of time, which varies depending on the purpose for which they are processed, after which the data will be permanently deleted or, in any case, made irreversibly anonymous.

Specific retention times of your personal data are recorded in Bubble Nano Tech's processing activity log, which is implemented pursuant to Article 30 of the GDPR

The user's personal data are retained (according to the criteria referred to in recital 39 and Article 5, paragraph 1, letter e) of the GDPR) for a period proportionate to the operational needs of the Website, as well as the provision of the services that Bubble Nano Tech delivers through its Website (provided that you may always exercise the rights afforded by Applicable Privacy Law, as specified below).

Your personal data may be retained (according to recital 65 of the GDPR) for longer periods than just written only if the longer retention period is necessary for the Organization to comply with applicable legal, administrative and accounting obligations or to ascertain, exercise or defend your right in court, or to pursue other needs of public interest (for example, in the case of orders ascertained by Public Authorities or Judicial Authorities relating to the conservation of personal data following an investigation).

If you have given your consent to the processing of your data for marketing purposes, you can withdraw your consent at any time (see below).

Data communication

The data processing carried out by Bubble Nano Tech involves personnel duly trained and authorized by Bubble Nano Tech. The data will be communicated externally only when this is essential for the processing purposes indicated above. As part of the performance of the Website's services and to execute a sales contract, data may be processed by Bubble Nano Tech's suppliers who have been evaluated and chosen by Bubble Nano Tech for their proven reliability and competence.

Bubble Nano Tech, therefore, will communicate users' personal data only and exclusively to the subjects and for the purposes indicated below.

Execution of shipments and payments; fight against illegal acts, fraud and security breaches

  • Bubble Nano Tech will communicate users' personal data (within the limits of what is necessary to fulfill the relevant processing purposes) to third parties who provide Bubble Nano Tech with services, in particular third parties involved in the processing of payments, in the prevention and detection of potentially illegal, fraud and security breaches (and in mitigating their negative effects on users), and in bill collection.
  • More precisely, Bubble Nano Tech will communicate users' personal data, if necessary, to the following: email service providers, Internet Service Providers, companies specializing in IT and telematic services, companies that provide customer support services, companies that offer marketing services, companies specializing in market research and data processing and banking operators.
  • Bubble Nano Tech will communicate your personal data (within the limits of what is necessary to fulfill the relevant processing purposes) to third parties who provide shipping services, with whom delivery addresses, contact information and order numbers will be shared to facilitate the delivery of the purchased items and communications relating to delivery.
  • These communications of user data enable the smooth and adequate performance of the service provided by Bubble Nano Tech.

Law enforcement, judicial proceedings and methods authorized by law

  • Bubble Nano Tech may disclose your personal data to courts, public authorities, government authorities or authorized third parties, in the event and to the extent that it is required or authorized to do so by law, or if such disclosure is reasonably necessary. These communications will have the following purposes:
  1. fulfill Bubble Nano Tech's legal duties;
  2. respond to complaints made against Bubble Nano Tech;
  3. comply with verified requests relating to a criminal investigation or suspected illegal activity or any other activity that may expose Bubble Nano Tech or users to legal liability;
  4. protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Bubble Nano Tech, its employees, users, or the public at large.

Legal bases of processing

Bubble Nano Tech processes personal data only if one of the conditions established by current legislation (so-called "legal bases" or "lawfulness conditions") occurs, and specifically as follows:

  1. a) for the need to perform a contract of which the user is a party.

This legal basis legitimizes the processing of personal data which takes place in the following activities:

  • conclusion and execution of a contract for the purchase of the products offered on the Bubble Nano Tech Website;
  • access to the Website and use of services reserved for registered users;
  • provision of the services offered on the Website.

The provision of your personal data for these activities is optional and, as the case may be, required for the conclusion or performance of a contract. The user can choose whether or not to provide his data, but, if the user does not provide the requested data, it will not be possible to conclude or execute the contract and the user's requests. This means that you will not be able to purchase the products and use the services of Bubble Nano Tech, access the Website, use the services of the Website and consequently Bubble Nano Tech will not be able to handle your requests.

  1. b) due to the need to comply with a legal obligation to which we are subject by law.

This legitimacy condition authorizes Bubble Nano Tech to process the data to comply with the legal obligations to which it is subject. In particular, in the event of the conclusion of a contract for the purchase of goods from the Website, the processing of user data will take place to fulfill the legal obligations to which Bubble Nano Tech is required in accordance with tax provisions and other regulations at to which Bubble Nano Tech is subject.

You can decide whether to provide us with data and enter into a contract with Bubble Nano Tech, and if you do so, the data will necessarily be processed to implement the relevant legal obligations with which Bubble Nano Tech is required to comply.

  1. c) on the basis of the user's consent.

We carry out the following processing only if the user has given his explicit consent:

  • sending our newsletters via email;
  • carrying out opinion polls and market research;
  • personalization of the contents of the Website and sending of personalized marketing communications.

You can decide whether to provide your personal data for these activities. Without this, the user will not receive Bubble Nano Tech newsletters regarding news and commercial promotions, personalized marketing communications, and Bubble Nano Tech will not carry out opinion polls and market research.

  1. d) for a legitimate interest of Bubble Nano Tech or a third party.

The data is processed on the basis of this lawfulness condition in the following cases:

  • statistical analysis and investigations to improve the commercial offer and services of the Website. In this case, the processing is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest in acquiring useful information to improve the quality and effectiveness of the commercial proposals and services offered from the Website. The provision of data for this type of processing is optional.
  • prevention and repression of fraud, counterfeiting and abusive behaviour. In this case, the processing is carried out on the basis of Bubble Nano Tech's legitimate interest, the prevention and repression of fraudulent activities that may compromise the profitability of the Website and the safety of its users. The provision of data for this type of processing is optional, but it is necessary to send an order and conclude a purchase contract and, in the absence of this, this will not be possible.
  • personalization of the contents of the Website for marketing purposes. In this case, the processing is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest in increasing the profitability of the Website by personalizing the users' browsing experience. The provision of data for this type of processing is optional. Failure to provide, with opposition to the activity in question, will only make it impossible to view the personalized contents of the Website.
  • to guarantee the correct technical functioning and security of the Website. In this case, the processing is carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest of Bubble Nano Tech and to prevent and resolve situations that could compromise the functioning of the Website and its services and user safety. The provision of data for this type of processing is optional, but it is required for browsing and using the Website and, in the absence of this, this will not be possible.
  • The protection of rights. In this case, the processing is carried out on the basis of the legitimate interest of Bubble Nano Tech or a third party to protect their rights. The provision of data for this type of processing is optional, but it is required for browsing and using the Website and, in the absence of this, this will not be possible.

Rights of interested parties

Pursuant to the Applicable Privacy Law, - at any time, free of charge and without particular charges or formalities - the user has the right to the following:

  • Object to the processing of data carried out for direct marketing purposes (such as sending newsletters via e-mail, sending promotional SMS, carrying out opinion polls, sending commercial/promotional communications via e-mail personalized);
  • Obtain confirmation that Bubble Nano Tech is processing their personal data;
  • Access their personal data collected by Bubble Nano Tech and know the origin of the data, the purposes of the processing, the retention period (or the criteria useful for determining it) of the data, as well as information regarding the third parties to whom the data are communicated;
  • Withdraw consent at any time, if this constitutes the basis of the processing. In any case, take note that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the withdrawal itself;
  • Update or rectify their personal data collected by Bubble Nano Tech, so that it is always precise and accurate;
  • Exercise the right to be forgotten or arrange for personal data collected by Bubble Nano Tech to be deleted from Bubble Nano Tech's databases and/or archives, including any backups . Your data will be deleted if:
  1. the data are no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing, or if the user has withdrawn his consent to the processing of the data, if he has objected to the processing of his data (in the cases specified below), if his data has been processed unlawfully or if the Applicable Privacy Law provides for such erasure; and furthermore if
  2. the processing of your data is not necessary for Bubble Nano Tech for one of the reasons set out in Article 17(3) of the GDPR (including, in particular, compliance with a legal obligation requiring such processing; the persecution of necessity of public interest; the evaluation, exercise or defense of a right in court);
  • limit the processing of personal data by Bubble Nano Tech, in cases referred to in Article 18(1) of the GDPR (for example, where the accuracy of the data has been contested);
  • for data processed to pursue public interest needs or to pursue the legitimate interests of Bubble Nano Tech, the user can object to their data processing at any time, unless Bubble Nano Tech demonstrates that such data is processed for legitimate interests mandatory or to ascertain, exercise or defend their rights in court;
  • for data processed with the user's consent, or to fulfill contractual obligations towards the user and provide Bubble Nano Tech services, the user has the right to receive such data in a suitable, commonly used and machine-readable format automatic device. The user can then transmit this data to third parties, without Bubble Nano Tech being able to prevent this in any way;
  • be informed, within a reasonable time, of any corrections, cancellations or limitations on processing ordered by Bubble Nano Tech, as well as any revocation of such measures and the reasons underlying the revocation (for example, for limitations on processing, the expiry of the limitation period, or the disappearance of the circumstances that caused the limitation of processing: for example, to verify the accuracy of the user's personal data).

You may exercise these rights by sending a written request to Bubble Nano tech and emailing it to

Once the aforementioned email has been received, Bubble Nano Tech, through the data controller, will satisfy the user's request without delay and, in any case, at the latest within one month of receiving the request. This deadline can be extended by two months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. In the event of an extension, within one month of receiving the request, Bubble Nano Tech will inform the user of the extension of the deadline and the reasons for the extension.

Bubble Nano Tech reminds the user that, if he is not satisfied with the response, he can contact and submit a complaint to the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data ( in the ways provided for by Applicable Law on Privacy .

Date of last update: September 2023

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